The White Noise Collective is originally and primarily based in the SF Bay Area, specifically Oakland, Berkeley and San Francisco, CA. We recognize that we do our work on Chochenyo Ohlone land. All events, dialogues, workshops, and mailing lists on this website are reflective of our SF Bay Area collective. The White Noise Collective NYC chapter can be found here.


Jay Tzvia Helfand
joined the WNC Core in Spring 2016. They come from a lineage of revolutionary queers, anti-Zionist Jews, and sick and disabled people. They honor the complex ways their ancestors have survived and carried culture to make their life possible. Jay is a writer, plant nerd, somatics practitioner, and facilitator. They have organized inside of a number of land-based racial and economic justice spaces in the Bay Area and Minneapolis, most recently with the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN). They are in graduate school to become a licensed somatic therapist, with the intention of uplifting the aliveness, dignity and power of multiply marginalized trans and queer people. They also rest, garden, read poems, and walk by rushing streams in the woods. Centering healing, they are committed to decolonization, consent, embodiment, transformative ritual, creative process and furthering Jewish legacies of resistance towards collective liberation.

R. "Toran" Ailisheva
has been a core member of the White Noise Collective since Nov 2010. They are a queer-identified artist and writer, with about 10 years’ background as a social worker. They are currently working as a union organizer in the healthcare field. Over the years, they have been involved in a variety of racial justice, anti-colonial, radical mental health, prison abolition, and anti-zionist campaigns, and are a co-founder and on the Leadership Team of Flying Over Walls/SF Bay Area Black & Pink, a letterwriting project working in solidarity with LGBTQ+ and HIV+ incarcerated individuals.

Zara Zimbardo
is a co-founder of White Noise. She is an interdisciplinary cross-pollinator, adjunct faculty in BA Completion and MFA programs at the California Institute for Integral Studies, teaching courses focused on critical media studies, liberatory pedagogy, global and postcolonial studies. She is a presenter and writer on the social construction of whiteness, critical media literacy, Islamophobia, subversion of stereotypes in a time of war, social justice comedy, the zombie apocalypse, and representations of gender, race, consumerism and imperialism/militarism.
Zara is a co-founder of popular education organization Partners for Collaborative Change, which supports organizations to become more equitable through participatory action research and anti-oppression facilitation and consulting. For the last twenty years she has been a body-based therapist in private practice and community health centers.

Nicole Wires
joined the White Noise Collective in January 2012. She is an adventurer and avid reader who feels most at home in the mountains. She currently works at a food justice non-profit organization in the Bay Area, where she spends time building a resilient, self-determined, community-based food system and reflects regularly on the limitations of the non-profit industrial complex.

Julia Sebastian
became a part of the White Noise Collective in 2012. She currently works for a national racial justice organization as a political strategist, researcher and trainer. Over the past 8 years she has worked on a number of projects and mobilizations focused on tenant power, anti-policing and immigrant justice. She most recently co-coordinated a direct action solidarity group in support of the Movement for Black Lives. Julia is daily falling in love with her garden, dancing, throwing pottery and her cute-ass dog, Leonie.
WNC SF Bay Area Advisors

Levana Saxon
M.Ed is an organizer and educator with Partners for Collaborative Change, using participatory action research, popular education and Theater of the Oppressed to generate collaborative community-led change. Over the last 18 years she has trained and facilitated thousands of children, youth and adults. Some of the groups she has worked with include the Paulo Freire Institute, Rainforest Action Network, Center for Political Education, Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, Youth In Focus, El Teatro Campesino, Ruckus Society, and multiple Oakland Public Schools. She was a co-founder of the White Noise Collective.

Kelley S. Abraham
began working with the “Todos: Sherover Simms Alliance Building Institute” co-leading anti-oppression and alliance building workshops for young people and adults around race, gender, class, heterosexism, and ageism in 2001. She went on to develop and facilitate workshops using the “Todos” model independently for small groups and organizations committed to surfacing and uprooting institutional, interpersonal, and personal oppressive cultures and practices. She has been engaged in youth and community development work since 1999. She has a Master of Arts in Teaching from Bard College and Bachelor of Arts in History from San Francisco State University. She is a proud alumni of all four the Peralta Colleges where she began her college career.

Tatiana Chaterji
Daughter of Janet and Swapan / grand-daughter of Elena, John, Bedangani and Rajendra / mother of Lucia Sarojini : Tatiana grounds her politics in knowledge of self & ancestors, with deep commitment to dismantling systemic oppression while tending to spiritual, psychic, and interpersonal wounds. She is a cultural worker, artist-facilitator, youth organizer and educator. She seeks alternatives to the criminalization of wrongdoing, and uses tools from theater-based healing in alignment with restorative and transformative justice. She develops resistance strategies with grassroots movement organizers through Theater of the Oppressed, also holding learning laboratories for embodied exploration.
Tatiana is proud to support her colleagues and co-conspirators in the White Noise Collective - the people who, because of vectors of privilege and social access to power, alongside critical consciousness, intimate knowledge of persecution, solidarity and humility - are opening passageways to courageous ways of being with each other. With the WNC, she designs curriculum to expose how women of color have been sidelined by the victim-offender binary. She leads workshops and reflective sessions for people who volunteer in prison to navigate privilege and hierarchy within institutional settings, form accountable relationships with incarcerated people, and develop methods of allyship. Tatiana helped to curate Mixed Up! queer mixed race feminist zine, a creative platform for writing on her own intersectionality.

Paul Kivel
social justice educator, activist, and writer, has been an innovative leader in violence prevention for more than 45 years. He is an accomplished trainer and speaker on men’s issues, racism and diversity, challenges of youth, teen dating and family violence, raising boys to manhood, and the impact of class and power on daily life. Paul has developed highly effective participatory and interactive methodologies for training youth and adults in a variety of settings. His work gives people the understanding to become involved in social justice work and the tools to become more effective allies in community struggles to end oppression and injustice and to transform organizations and institutions. Paul is the author of numerous books and curricula, including Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice, which won the 1996 Gustavus Myers Award for best book on human rights, Men’s Work, Making the Peace, Helping Teens Stop Violence, Boys Will Be Men, I Can Make My World A Safer Place, and most recently, You Call This a Democracy?: Who Benefits, Who Pays, and Who Really Decides.
Contributing bloggers** and Facilitators:
Katherine (Kat) Roubos
is a White, gender non-conforming person who works as a therapist and facilitator in the Bay Area. Integrating their commitments to transformative justice, mindfulness, embodiment, and trauma-informed approaches to healing, Kat has developed curriculum and pedagogical strategies to facilitate embodied dialogue on White Supremacy and other oppressions. Learn more at
Kusum Crimmel
Kusum's work is to inspire people to live more deeply and firmly into accountability and integrity, thereby accessing higher levels of joy and embodied love. She is a facilitator of transformational change and creates space for truth, (re)conciliation, and healing to reclaim our humanity and the humanity of others. Learn more at

Eliza Sherpa
is a prison solidarity organizer and abolitionist and is committed to work that both erodes the power of the carceral state and creates space for community-based autonomous responses to harm and violence. She grounds herself through time spent hiking and camping outdoors and she's an avid supporter and occasional accomplice of White Noise.

Cynthia Ashley
As a white, privileged, older woman I am in constant search of how to live in this racist world
with consciousness and sensitivity. I take advantage of any opportunity to address the harm
white supremacy and patriarchy causes people of color, queer folk, animals, and people living
with disabilities. Oh yes, and there is the environment and my carbon footprint. As an urban
dweller I want to live as simply as possible, and to connect with the natural world on a daily

Josephine Radbill
began facilitating workshops with the Collective in the summer of 2017. She is a transit nerd, green thumb and memorizer of poems. On weekends, she can be found in and on the water, from the Mills pool to alpine lakes and the Pacific Ocean. She is a researcher in the labor movement.

Alex Marterre
is pursuing licensure as a Marriage and Family Therapist. They are an aspiring drag queen, and identify as a healer, an oracle. Alex is passionate about community, mutual care, and co-creating the world we all deserve to live in. They are deeply fond of WNC and describe their experiences with the organization as inspiring, generative, and affirming.
Additional contributing bloggers, facilitators, and co-conspirators:
- Alanya Snyder
- A. Raymond
- Hannah Edber
- Joan Lohmen
- Dana Dart-McLean
- Meg Yardley
**If you have thoughts about our themes or want to expand on something we discussed in a dialogue, let’s talk! We welcome everyone who participates with us in these conversations to dive deeper into the work through researching or blogging for our website. We have established blogger criteria and a process of supporting each other’s writing that we can share with you.
Appreciation for the people who co-created the first seeds of White Noise: Aryeh Shell, Nícola Wagenberg, Katie Hymans and Tarah Fleming.