Join us for our October dialogue, our annual book club, this year focusing on the new, visionary and creative analysis of Nick Montgomery and carla bargman in JoyfulMilitancy: “A basic premise of this book is that resistance and transformation are always in the making at the margins, while Empire is always adapting and reacting (25). …No matter what, things can be otherwise — there is always wiggle room. Uncertainty is where we need to begin, because experimentation and curiosity is part of what has been stolen from us (33).”
Our dialogue will be guided by the following questions from Joyful Militancy:
- What makes radical spaces and movements feel transformative and creative, rather than dogmatic, rule-bound, or stifling?
- What sustains struggles, spaces, and forms of life where we become capable of living and fighting in new ways?
- What supports people’s capacities to challenge each other and undo deeply ingrained habits, rather than just saying the “right” thing or avoiding the “wrong” thing?
- How are people carving out relationships based in trust, love, and responsibility amid the violence that permeates daily life?
And we’ll also ask how internalized messages of patriarchy and white supremacy, as well as our learned and practiced responses to dismantling these messages, have contributed to rigid radicalism and created barriers to joyful militancy.
Note: we have no notes from this discussion.