Join Our Mailing List(s)!
Know about upcoming SF Bay Area WNC workshops, dialogues and updates through our infrequent emails by joining our (usually monthly) mailing list! You can always follow this same link to unsubscribe later.
You may also want to join our (variably busy) action list! This list aims to support those in our community who want to engage more actively in the emerging movement and includes more frequent updates and information about actions that WNC organizes and those from other community groups. Feel free to send us info on racial justice related events you are organizing that would be open to and appropriate for our community members.
2019 Dialogues:
Please see here for a fuller description about our dialogues and how to participate. To RSVP for a dialogue, join our email list and rsvp when the invite is sent out! Location changes each month. If you missed a dialogue, you can check out most of the dialogue themes, readings, and notes here.
- February 26: What does it mean to have a political home?
- Future dates and themes TBD.
- February 10th: Antidotes to White Fragility – Register here through Bay Area SURJ
Other Events:
- Thursday January 17: Join AROC for Resisting Imperialism: Voices from the Migrant Caravan for “for political education that will connect the struggles of the migrant caravan at the US-Mexico border to other anti-imperialist border struggles in El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Yemen and Palestine.”
- Sunday January 20: The Center for Political Education has rescheduled the People Get Ready II Conference! This one day conference “will offer discussions directly assessing the current political terrain while engaging local, national, and international struggles around militarism, worker-organizing, and displacement that shape our world and struggles to come.”
- Monday January 21: Join the Anti Police Terror Project for the 5th consecutive year of The People’s March to Reclaim King’s Radical Legacy. “MLK’s legacy has been whitewashed for many decades. The state would have us believe he was a passive figure. The truth is he was a radical leader, unshakable in his demands for rational change: an end to capitalism, to war, to empire, to poverty, and to white supremacy. We take this opportunity every year to celebrate the true spirit of this revolutionary.”
- Please support the West Berkeley Shellmound legal fund if you are able to.
So interested in your collective and would love to hear more about meetings and other opportunities to get involved!
I tried to register for the workshop on 11/10, but haven’t heard anything back, just wondering if I am registered or am still able to do so? Thanks!!
Tova, Emailing you now! – Beja
I would like more information on the April 12th event. Where is it occurring exactly?
John, Sorry that we are just seeing your comment, after the fact. Unfortunately, we only gave out the address to folks after registration and the link for registration was sent out via our mailing list and facebook page. Feel free to like us on facebook or join our mailing list to hear of future events! //Beja
John, we hope you stay in touch. We may offer the cultural appropriation workshop again in October. -WNC
Hey folks,
I love what you all are doing! I have been seeking a group like this for some time. I’d like to attend the dialogue in July if it’s still happening. I want to get involved however I can.
P.s did any of the group members go to the White Silence is Violence demonstration in Oakland on June 21? I think we need more actions like that.
Hi there,
Are there dates/times and locations set for the December 12th Difficult Conversations workshop as well as the upcoming winter/spring workshops? I am based in Brooklyn and am thrilled to just have come across your website in my research. I heard from someone that you might be starting to organize/hold workshops in NY as well- curious if this is in fact true and if so, how I might be able to participate and/or become involved. If that was in fact a rumor, do you have any organizations to recommend in NY (or closer than SF:) ) that are doing similar work at the intersection of whiteness and female identity? Many thanks,
You can connect to WNC in NYC here:
Their Difficult Convos worksho is on 12/13:
Hi I am wondering when and where the next dialogue is? I have attended before but seem to have lost the connect.
march 16 – email us and we’ll try to get you back on the mailing list
Hi, I would like to connect with the RI contingent. Seth
Hi Seth,
Here’s how to connect with the RI chapter:
Hi there,
Wanted to connect with the NYC chapter.
Thank you!
The best way to connect with the NYC chapter is to find them on Facebook!
Hi! How do I start attending events in the Bay Area? Especially the workshop on December 3rd? Thanks so much, Nicole
Hi Nicole, the best way to join local events in the Bay Area is to join our mailing list, which you can do from the right hand side of the home page. To get the enrollment form for the December 3rd workshop, email us at whitenoisecollective at gmail dot com.
Hi Nicole, signing up for our newsletter is the best way to stay tuned for upcoming events and RSVPs. For the December 3rd workshop, you can register here: